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Acknowledging spiritual gifts and power for kingdom exploits

Acknowledging spiritual gifts and power for kingdom exploits.

Anchor Scriptures: 2 Tim. 4 verses 14–16.

Many times, when God wants to do a big thing in the body of Christ, He puts together a meeting like this. It’s a great privilege to be here.

The subject of spiritual gifts is complex, big, and wide. But we will be focusing on one aspect, which is “acknowledging spiritual gifts and power for kingdom exploits.” There is no man to whom God did not give a gift; there are gifts inside of you.


Do not neglect the gift of God that is in you. Try as much as possible not to.

When God calls a man, he calls him to function. But your call is useless if you don’t acknowledge your gifts.

When God calls, He releases gifts, and the purpose of these gifts is to discharge the duties of your calling.

READ: Faith and Resilience: Beth Moore’s remarkable story

In Genesis, God created. Why? He did that for a purpose, and one of the purposes is so that man can dominate. God gave man dominion; He always gives. God is a giver. One of the gifts we have received is the gift of domination. Therefore, man will dominate the earth as long as he accepts his calling. The church has the potential to change the world if we use our God-given talents.



Content Credit/ Samuel Oluwadamilare Daniel

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