Why Love Alone Isn’t Enough to Sustain a Marriage

Love is the foundation on which relationships and marriages are built, but love alone does not guarantee the success of a relationship or marriage. Love never dies, but love without wisdom, knowledge, and understanding will fade or turn to hate. This is why you see couples deeply in love break up and wonder what went wrong. 

Typically, when we see couples who have been married for a long time, we usually think the flame of their love has kept their marriage going for all those years. There are a lot more factors that keep the flame of a marriage burning. These things are as important as love or even more important in a marriage. These factors are wisdom, knowledge, and understanding.

Knowledge is important in a marriage. Knowledge in a relationship involves knowing your partner, their values, dreams, and fears. Some people in relationships are oblivious to the wants and needs of their partners. They are all about themselves and forget the need to know the desires of their spouse. This can be considered inconsiderate or self-centred; ultimately, this can break a relationship or marriage. 


However, knowledge alone is insufficient; wisdom is required to use the knowledge. A man or woman who doesn’t have wisdom will find it hard to make decisions. Marriage is an institution, and if the husband or wife lacks decision-making, it will affect the institution negatively.

 It is also important to avoid using negative wisdom to make decisions in your new relationship or marriage. Traumatic experiences from previous relationships are not wisdom; rather, they are hindrances. Reading the Bible and learning about godly relationships are ways to acquire wisdom to have a progressive relationship.

Lastly, understanding; understanding forms the foundation for effective communication, empathy, and mutual respect. Understanding your partner’s perspective and feelings fosters a sense of connection and emotional intimacy. Human beings are different in behaviour, and our tolerance levels differ.

Getting into a relationship with another human means you must be ready to tolerate your partner to a certain degree and also be able to communicate and give advice without being hurtful or abusive. We all have differences and things we wouldn’t want to see in our partners, but what do you do when the one you love has a liking for a thing you dislike? This is where understanding comes in. Therefore, Having understanding will enable you to communicate with your partner about those you dislike or your partner dislikes and come to an agreement.  


In essence, wisdom, knowledge, and understanding are the supporting pillars of love in a relationship. Without these pillars, love would fade out and a marriage would crumble under pressure. By incorporating these pillars into their relationships and marriages, couples can build relationships that can stand the test of time and not wither away. 


READ: Compassion: The Missing Ingredient in Our World



Content Credit| Ajibola Emmanuel Adebayo

Picture Credit | https://www.pinterest.com/pin/588353138791982287/



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