Finding Strength in God’s Promises: Episode 3

When the struggles of life hit us hard, we become weary and tired. These situations make us feel like giving up and becoming shadows of ourselves. It could be our fears, losses, temptations, addictions, or hardships. As Christians, when we face challenges, who do we turn to, lean on, and pour our hearts to? 

Finding strength in God’s promises means anchoring one’s faith and resilience in the promises found in the Bible. It means seeking comfort, guidance, and encouragement from the divine covenant made to us by God.

As Christians, finding strength in God depends on our relationship with him; it requires a combination of spiritual practices and personal reflection. To receive strength from God, we have to believe that God is the ultimate source of strength for a Christian. 


The Bible says in 2 Corinthians 12:9, “My grace is all you need, for my power is the greatest when you are weak”. This is God’s assurance to Christians who are overwhelmed.

Nehemiah 8:10 “Do not grieve, for the joy of the Lord is your strength.”. We might not always understand why we go through certain things or why God allows certain things to happen, and we can’t figure out how those situations will work out.

Psalm 121:1-2. “I lift up my eyes to the hills; from where does My help come from, the Lord? Who made heaven and earth?” 

The story of Moses leading the Israelites to the promised land in the Bible is a good example that we can find our strength in God’s promises even if we don’t understand what God is doing or where he is taking us. 

The promises of God are so numerous that a Christian can find strength in any of them (promises of comfort, provision, peace, salvation, forgiveness, strength in weakness, and others). There are certain steps a Christian needs to take to receive the strength in God’s promises. Which are; 

  • Reading and reflecting on the scriptures: focussing on bible passages that speak to God’s promises is encouraging and assuring, it gives us the hope we need. 


  • Prayers: through prayers, we can deepen our relationship with God and also pour our distress through supplications. Praying also gives you the peace and calmness you need while waiting for the Lord’s promises to be fulfilled.


  • Surround yourself with a supportive faith community: Engage with a faith community that offers support, encouragement, and shares testimonies, and also surround yourself with positive-thinking people who will add value to you.


  • Patience: As Christians, we need to understand that everything we want will not come to us when we need it, but by God’s timing. patience is one of the keys to waiting on God’s promises. 


  • Trust in God’s character: understanding the nature of God (loving, faithful, and kind) can strengthen your trust in His promises.


Conclusion, To receive strength, Christians must believe that God is the ultimate source of power. Reading scriptures, praying, surrounding oneself with a supportive religious community, recognising that all will happen in God’s time, and believing in God’s character are all steps towards receiving strength.

 READ: Worship Over Worry: Healing the Mind and Soul



Content Credit| Igbakuma Rita Doom

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